About Us
Learn about your child's future through us
NavaPrajna Public School is run under the aegis of Navajeevana Nilaya trust. Late Dr. P J Bagilthaya, IPS (Retd) founded the school in the year 2006. The school is located in a lush green eco-friendly atmosphere which is spread over 5 acres of land with large playground.
The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and Recognized by the Govt of Karnataka. The school runs from Pre-KG to X standard, The present strength of the school is 850 with 48 teaching staff.
The school is born out of vision and dynamism of a group of people having Holistic view of Education. The group comprehends life skills, which enhance the quality of individual’s life. The Indian culture, spiritual and human values occupy a significant position in the education given to children and thus make the student worthy citizens of Bharath.

We have a deep conviction that education should be a joyful experience for the students so that it prepares them to have the required knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the world.
The school aims at providing an environment in which students discover and realize their full potential. The school also aims at the broader development of the complete personality of its students by creating:
- An understanding and appreciation of India’s rich culture.
- A sense of integrity, ethics and uncompromising honesty.
- Strong secular ethics.
- Leadership with a sense of teamwork and fair play.
- A concern for the less fortunate, human rights and democratic values.
- A questioning mind and a spirit of adventure.

We believe that each child is special and has a talent which is waiting to be realized. Every person in the world has a special role, a special talent, a special strength.
True education should produce balanced personality in whom intellectual, emotional and spiritual values are harmoniously developed. Therefore, all the learning programmes in the school are structured to inculcate in the learners the qualities of:
- Self-confidence with faith in God.
- Academic excellence.
- Communication and social skills along with analytical abilities.
- Inculcating an affinity towards a disciplined and regulated life.
- Instilling the value of selfless service to the society.
- Harmonising positive thoughts, words and actions.
- Respect and regard towards Indian culture and way of life
“Vidya Dadati Viniyam
Vinaya Dadati Paatratam,
Paatratva Dhanamaapridi
Dhanaat Dharmam tatatsukham ”
It means: Education gives Humility, Humility gives character From character one gets wealth From wealth one gets righteousness In righteousness there is a joy.
We at NPPS strongly believe in Enlightening the blooming buds (young minds) with ancient Indian Vedanta Philosophy and values Empowering them with knowledge and experiences to excel in the field of education with confidence, courage and conviction, exploring their hidden potentials and talents by encouraging and enabling them to be an enthusiastic, active and energetic learner in experiential learning environment.
To achieve the said, the school has

- Recruited outstanding teachers in all subject areas who possess higher degrees and vast experience and committed to the academic progress of the students.
- Spacious and designed classrooms to get natural light and air.
- Fully equipped labs for each of the Sciences-Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- One computer lab with 25 computers with internet facility to encourage students to carry on research work and references.
- Digi-Class in co-ordination with HCL India limited.
- Large play ground to enable the students to play a range of sports and games.
- Specialized teachers to teach music, yoga, art and craft.
- Organized Taekwondo Martial Arts Classes to provide an opportunity for the students to learn self defense skills in association with Taekwondo Association of Karnataka